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Sang Hyang Tunggal |
KAMIS, 7 DESEMBER 2011 - DENMAS PRIYADI BLOG : Membahas asal-usul wayang, R. Harjawiguna menguraikan dalam bukunya “Sejarah Wayang Purwa” :
Wayang Purwa adalah sebagai perlambang kehidupan manusia di dunia ini. Dalam pokok artinya, yang jadi permulaan sebagai ibu-bapak sekalian wayang itu ialah Sang Hyang Manikmaya (Betara guru) dan Sang Hyang Ismaya (Semar) sebagai Dewa. Manikmaya dan Ismaya adalah putra Sang Hyang Tunggal (yang tidak diwujudkan sebagai wayang). Kedua putra itu awalnya berupa cahaya dan terjadinya pada waktu yang bersamaan. Manikmaya bersinar-sinar sedang Ismaya bercahaya kehitam-hitaman. Kedua cahaya itu berebut tua. Kemudian Sang Hyang Tunggal bersabda, bahwa cahaya kehitam-hitamanlah yang tertua. Akan tetapi diramalkan tidak bisa berjiwa sebaga Dewa dan diberi nama Ismaya. Oleh karena itu disifatkan ia sebagai manusia dan dititahkan agar tetap tinggal di dunia untuk mengasuh turunan Dewa yang berdarah Pandawa. Maka diturunkanlah ia ke dunia dengan nama Semar yang berupa manusia berwajak buruk.
Adapun cahaya yang bersinar-sinar diberi nama Manikmaya, tetap tinggal di Suralaya (Kerajaan Dewa). Manikmaya merasa bangga, karena tak punya cacat dan sangat berkuasa. Akan tetapi ingatan Manikmaya yang demikian itu menjadi sebab dirinyapun kemudian mendapat cacat juga.
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Sang Hyang Wenang |
Kedua peristiwa ini adalah sebagai perlambang. Ismaya sebagai lambang badan manusia yang kasar dan Manikmaya sebagai lambing kehalusan bathin manusia. Jiwa yang kasar (Semar) senantiasa menjaga kelima Pandawa yang ujudnya adalah Panca indera atau kelima perasaan tubuh manusia.
Sesungguhnya, siapa yang ingat pada maksud riwayat ini, senantiasa menjaga pada keselamatan panca indera yaitu:
1. Indera hidung (Yudistira)
2. Indera telinga (Bima)
3. Indera mata (Arjuna)
4. Indera mulut (Nakula)
5. Indera peraba badan (Sadewa)
Kelima indera ini atau kelima Pandawa hendaknya jangan sekali-kali menempuh jalan kesalahan, seperti: hidung jangan hanya senang pada saat mencium bau yang harum dan serba wangi, telinga jangan hanya mendengarkan pada suara yang merdu, mata jangan hanya melihat pada keindahan dan sebagainya. Utamanya dan sudah seharusnya barang apapun yang mengenai kelima perasaan itu, jangan dibeda-bedakan akan gunanya kebaikan dan keburukan semuanya terjadi berasal dari perbuatan sendiri. Oleh karena itu sedapat mungkin kedua jalan tersebut dikembalikan pada pertimbangan ketenangan hati.
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Betara Narada |
Inilah penjagaan Semar untuk kesejahteraan Pandawa agar mereka menjauhi permusuhan dengan Kurawa, ialah nafsu amarah. Akan tetapi Manikmaya (bathin) yang senantiasa menggoda dan mudah mengusik rasa jiwa yang menunjukkan pada kesalahan, maka Pandawa dan Kurawa tak henti-hentinya berperang, hingga pada perang pamungkas perang penghabisan ialah Baratayuda dimana dimenangkan oleh pihak Pandawa.
Mungkin orang beranggapan bahwa Batara Guru atau Manikmaya yang paling berkuasa segalanya. Ingat, Manikmaya bersifat lemah, sebagai bukti dari segala cacat yang didapatinya . Apabila ia sangat berkuasa tentulah tidak akan ada cacat pada dirinya. Memang Manikmaya berkuasa tak terhingga, akan tetapi ada kebijaksanaan Semar yang dapat mengatasi kekuasaan Manikmaya tersebut.
Referensi: * Sejarah Wayang Purwa/R.Harjawiguna * Unsur Islam Dalam Pewayangan/Drs. H. Effendi Zarkasi * Karakter Tokoh Pewayangan Mahabarata/Sri Guritno.
ORIGIN PUPPET By Slamet Priyadi
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Hyang Tunggal |
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Hyang Semar Badranaya |
Discussing the origin of puppets, R. Harjawiguna describes in his book "History of Wayang Purwa":
Purwa is a symbol of human life in this world. In the principal means, which became the beginning of a mother-father of all puppets it was Sang Hyang Manikmaya (Betara teacher) and Sang Hyang Ismaya (Semar) as a god. Manikmaya and Ismaya is the son of Sang Hyang singles (which are not realized as a puppet). Both men were initially in the form of light and the occurrence at the same time. Manikmaya radiant glow is Ismaya blackish. Both were fighting over the old light. Then Sang Hyang Sole said, that the light-dark-hitamanlah the oldest. But the forecast can not be spirited sebaga Gods and named Ismaya. Therefore he characterized as a man and commanded to remain in the world to care for a bloody god derivatives Pandavas. So he diturunkanlah to the world by the name of a form of human Semar berwajak bad.
The light that shone Manikmaya named, remained in Suralaya (Kingdom of God). Manikmaya feel proud, because it has no defects and very powerful. However, such memories Manikmaya the cause dirinyapun then got disabled as well.
Both of these events is as a symbol. Ismaya as a symbol of the human body is rugged and Manikmaya as a symbol of human spiritual refinement. Rough soul (Semar) preserves the ujudnya five Pandavas are the five senses or feelings of the human body.
Indeed, anyone who remembers the intent of this history, always keeping the safety of the five senses, namely:
1. Senses the nose (Yudhisthira)
2. Ear senses (Bima)
3. In vision (Arjuna)
4. Sense of mouth (Nakul)
5. Sense of touch the body (Sahadeva)
These five senses or the five Pandavas should never rely solely upon the path of error, such as nasal do not just happy at the time to smell the fragrant and versatile scented, ears do not just listen to the melodious voice, the eyes do not just look at the beauty and so on. Main and should any of the five items that feeling, not an undifferentiated will use the good and bad things happen comes from the act itself. Therefore, as far as possible the two roads were returned to the consideration of sobriety.
This safeguards the welfare of the Pandavas Semar for them to avoid hostilities with the Kauravas, is the passion of anger. However, Manikmaya (inner) are always tempting and easy to disturb the sense of soul that shows the error, the Pandavas and the Kauravas fought incessantly, until the war is the ultimate war Baratayuda efflux which was won by the Pandavas.
Maybe people thought that the Guru or the most powerful Manikmaya everything. Remember, Manikmaya is weak, as evidence of any defects that he found. When he was in power surely there will be no flaw in him. Indeed Manikmaya infinite in power, but there is wisdom Semar Manikmaya power that can overcome them.
Reference: * History of Wayang Purwa / R.Harjawiguna * Elements of Islam in Puppets / Drs. H. Effendi zarkasi * People Puppets Character Mahabharata / Sri Guritno.
Purwa is a symbol of human life in this world. In the principal means, which became the beginning of a mother-father of all puppets it was Sang Hyang Manikmaya (Betara teacher) and Sang Hyang Ismaya (Semar) as a god. Manikmaya and Ismaya is the son of Sang Hyang singles (which are not realized as a puppet). Both men were initially in the form of light and the occurrence at the same time. Manikmaya radiant glow is Ismaya blackish. Both were fighting over the old light. Then Sang Hyang Sole said, that the light-dark-hitamanlah the oldest. But the forecast can not be spirited sebaga Gods and named Ismaya. Therefore he characterized as a man and commanded to remain in the world to care for a bloody god derivatives Pandavas. So he diturunkanlah to the world by the name of a form of human Semar berwajak bad.
The light that shone Manikmaya named, remained in Suralaya (Kingdom of God). Manikmaya feel proud, because it has no defects and very powerful. However, such memories Manikmaya the cause dirinyapun then got disabled as well.
Both of these events is as a symbol. Ismaya as a symbol of the human body is rugged and Manikmaya as a symbol of human spiritual refinement. Rough soul (Semar) preserves the ujudnya five Pandavas are the five senses or feelings of the human body.
Indeed, anyone who remembers the intent of this history, always keeping the safety of the five senses, namely:
1. Senses the nose (Yudhisthira)
2. Ear senses (Bima)
3. In vision (Arjuna)
4. Sense of mouth (Nakul)
5. Sense of touch the body (Sahadeva)
These five senses or the five Pandavas should never rely solely upon the path of error, such as nasal do not just happy at the time to smell the fragrant and versatile scented, ears do not just listen to the melodious voice, the eyes do not just look at the beauty and so on. Main and should any of the five items that feeling, not an undifferentiated will use the good and bad things happen comes from the act itself. Therefore, as far as possible the two roads were returned to the consideration of sobriety.
This safeguards the welfare of the Pandavas Semar for them to avoid hostilities with the Kauravas, is the passion of anger. However, Manikmaya (inner) are always tempting and easy to disturb the sense of soul that shows the error, the Pandavas and the Kauravas fought incessantly, until the war is the ultimate war Baratayuda efflux which was won by the Pandavas.
Maybe people thought that the Guru or the most powerful Manikmaya everything. Remember, Manikmaya is weak, as evidence of any defects that he found. When he was in power surely there will be no flaw in him. Indeed Manikmaya infinite in power, but there is wisdom Semar Manikmaya power that can overcome them.
Reference: * History of Wayang Purwa / R.Harjawiguna * Elements of Islam in Puppets / Drs. H. Effendi zarkasi * People Puppets Character Mahabharata / Sri Guritno.
@ Indeed, anyone who remembers the intent of this history, always keeping the safety of the five senses, namely:
BalasHapus1. Senses the nose (Yudhisthira)
2. Ear senses (Bima)
3. In vision (Arjuna)
4. Sense of mouth (Nakul)
5. Sense of touch the body (Sahadeva)