Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

Pertunjukan Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya (WORE)

Reporter : Masithoh Azzahro Lutfiasari | Selasa, 25 Februari 2014 14:30
Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya. ©2014 
Pertunjukan Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya (WORE) jalani sesi latihan 

Wayang Orang Rock - Pementasan kreasi seni budaya dengan kemasan yang berbeda, unik dan bakal menjadi hal yang baru pada panggung pertunjukan Tanah Air bertajuk Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 15 Maret 2014 mendatang bertempat di Tennis Indoor Senayan, Jakarta, saat ini tengah menjalani beragam sesi latihan dengan para pemain yang bertempat di WOR Headquarter sejak awal Februari 2014 lalu. Jelang pementasan yang tinggal menyisakan satu bulan ini, para pemain menjalani seluruh proses latihan awal mulai dari reading hingga latihan dialog dan adegan dengan serius dan penuh penghayatan. Hal ini pun yang dirasakan oleh Sutradara, Arie Dagienkz yang terus menggembleng dan memotivasi para pemain sepanjang sesi latihan.

Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya"Saya sangat salut dengan semangat dan antusiasme yang ditunjukkan oleh seluruh pemain, terutama pemain utama yang memiliki beban lebih besar. Mereka sangat terbuka menerima pengarahan yang diberikan dan mengikuti apa yang sudah diajarkan. Seru juga melihat para musisi Rock & Roll berpindah posisi belajar seni peran yang merupakan hal yang baru bagi mereka. Namun hal tersebut tidak membentengi keseriusan mereka untuk terus menggali potensi diri yang mereka miliki." ujar Arie.

Wayang Orang Rock EkalayaSang pemeran tokoh Ekalaya, Stevie Item Andra and the Backbone yang awalnya ragu apakah dapat memerankan tokoh utama Ekalaya dengan baik, setelah beberapa kali

latihan intensif, mulai merasakan spirit dan nilai-nilai kehidupan sang tokoh dalam dirinya. Saya sangat gembira diberikan kesempatan bergabung di Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya ini. Melihat sosok Ekalaya yang sangat membumi dan memiliki nilai-nilai kehidupan yang patut di share ke khalayak umum ini, ternyata mampu mempengaruhi saya untuk meniru sifat-sifat mulia yang dimiliki oleh tokoh Wayang yang mungkin belum banyak yang kenal. Dari pengenalan watak tokoh Ekalaya yang secara kontinu terpacu tiap latihan ini, membuat saya menjadi jatuh cinta dan bangga dapat berperan sebagai sosok Ekalaya yang down to earth dan selalu haus akan ilmu, terang Stevi Item Andra and the Backbone bersemangat.

Wayang Orang Rock EkalayaHal sama pun dirasakan oleh Jikun /rif yang berperan sebagai tokoh Resi Durna, guru besar yang cukup di segani di negeri Hastina Pura. Jikun merasa tokoh Resi Durna cukup menantang. Tokoh Resi Durna sebagai guru yang sangat dihormati dan bijaksana tetap memperlihatkan nilai-nilai yang patut dicontoh bahwa ia juga selalu mengayomi dan memotivasi anak didiknya untuk kerja keras dan tidak patah semangat. Ini peran yang cukup berat juga buat saya, semoga kecintaan saya terhadap musik dapat memudahkan saya beradaptasi dengan peran ini. Bagi saya pertunjukan Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya ini cukup fenomenal karena memadukan unsur tradisional dan modern dalam satu kemasan yang pastinya akan memberikan hiburan yang berbeda, terang Jikun seputar tokoh yang dilakoninya.

Credit photo: Dokumentasi Titimangsa Foundation
Photographer : Heru Suryoko
Wardrobe : Narcssbandit by Olive
Make Up : Adi Wahono
Hair : Tommy Huang

Sebagai informasi, adapun yang terlibat adalah Stevie Item Andra and The Backbone sebagai Ekalaya, Otong Koil sebagai Arjuna, Jikun /rif sebagai Durna dan seorang perempuan satu-satunya di panggung, Sophia Latjuba yang akan berperan sebagai Anggraeni. Selain keempat pemain di atas, tergabung pula dalam jajaran pemain adalah band /rif, Netral, Seringai, The Brandals, Leonardo Ringo, Roxx, Candil, Bonita, Iwa K. dan Yopie Item.

Untuk menikmati pertunjukan Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya pertengahan Maret mendatang, Titimangsa Foundation menawarkan harga tiket dalam 4 kelas yaitu VVIP seharga Rp. 875,000; VIP seharga Rp. 775,000; Kelas 1 Rp 575,000 dan Kelas 2 Rp. 275,000 yang tersedia di ticket box yaitu dan gerai Indomaret yang tersebar di Jabotabek.

Untuk informasi lainnya dapat mengunjungi situs social media resmi Wayang Orang Rock Ekalaya di Facebook #Wayang Orang Rock, Twitter @WayangOrangRock, Instagram WayangOrangRock.

Mari mulai mencintai dan dukung warisan seni budaya Tanah Air untuk menjadi generasi yang bersinar!

Many facets of wayang kulit By Anwardi Jamil


While Indonesia has taken steps to preserve its wayang kulit tradition, little has been done here, writes Anwardi Jamil

ONE of the newer galleries in the National Museum is the Malay Gallery, located outside the main gates near the car park, and above the old Orang Asli Gallery.

The small gallery contains a basic introduction to various aspects of the Malay world including traditions and culture. Some of the exhibits include a glimpse of weapons used by the Malays, the various kinds of carvings and motifs used in traditional designs and architecture, jewellery and textiles and some aspects of the performing arts.

In one corner, one can find the diorama of a traditional Malay wayang. This is the only official reference in the city to Malay wayang kulit tradition that I know of. It’s sad, especially when Malay wayang kulit  (which is directly related to the Indonesian wayang kulit) has been declared a Unesco World Heritage which should be preserved. If you are a tourist and eager to see an example or exhibit of the Malay wayang, this is it. Unless you know of any private or individual galleries, this is all we have to show of how much we revere one of our most traditional Malay arts.
In Indonesia, the opposite is true. There are many references to wayang kulit art and performances. This is not only evident in Jakarta but also in other major cities like Yogyakarta and Solo. Even Indonesian television screens wayang kulit performances regularly and therefore, keeps it alive. Here, there are bodies and organisations trying their best to preserve and promote wayang kulit. These include Eddin Khoo’s Pusaka, which has been promoting Kelantan wayang for more than a decade. Unfortunately, the presence of wayang events and activities here cannot compete with what the Indonesians have.

I couldn’t help feeling envious of what Indonesia had to offer on a recent trip to a 40-year-old Wayang Museum in Fatahillah Square, Jakarta. This museum, located in the premises of a 200-year-old Dutch building, isn’t well maintained but it is a splendid museum that offers visitors a detailed glimpse of the history and the art of  mostly Indonesian wayang kulit. Here, you can savour the history of the 1,500-year-old art form and see its various versions from all over Indonesia, such as wayang golek, wayang kardus, wayang rumput, wayang janur, topeng, boneka and wayang beber as well as wayang music (gamelan).

Enter the building and you will be greeted by three-metre tall wayang golek replicas. The museum is home to more than 4,000 artifacts, some of which are over 400 years old. Walking through the dimly-lit corridors, I had only one complaint —the lack of information on the exhibits and artifacts. The impressive exhibits encased in glass displays could have been appreciated better had the captions been more detailed. Nevertheless, one cannot help but be impressed by the collection. I am a huge fan of wayang golek. It is like watching wayang kulit in 3D. Wayang golek uses intricately-carved and designed puppets elegantly clothed in decorative costumes.

Through  the exhibits, one begins to understand other aspects of Indonesian culture and arts that thrive alongside wayang kulit. For example, Indonesian batik is inspired by these wayang kulit characters along with the history of Indonesian gamelan music. Through the Wayang Museum, one is treated to various other aspects of Indonesian traditional arts.

I also love the old building in which the museum is housed. It has a colourful history too. Though the building is about 200 years old, the actual site was formerly that of the Old Dutch Church, built in 1640 and stood for about 100 years. Its grounds were the burial site for many Indonesian Dutch masters including one of the first governors, J.P. Coen. The graves have since been relocated but a few of the  old tombstones can still be seen in the main air-well area of the present museum.

A massive earthquake in 1808 nearly destroyed the building but it was reconstructed and used as a storage building until 1936 when the local Dutch government decided to turn it into a museum. The  Batavia Museum was officially opened in 1939. Closed during the Japanese Occupation, it was reinstated as a museum in 1957 by the new Indonesian government.

However, it would take a few more decades before the museum, then called the Jakarta Museum, became the Wayang Museum, thanks to  former Jakarta governor Ali Sadikin, an avid lover of traditional wayang kulit. It was due to his love for the art that the museum was dedicated to the origins, preservation and promotion of the wayang kulit tradition. With his support, artifacts and exhibits were collected from all over Indonesia and the world and the Wayang Museum was officially opened  in August 1975.

The museum is undergoing some renovation to include the latest display technologies and design. Already, some parts of the galleries  look more modern than the rest. One room is dedicated to gamelan while another displays the various influences of wayang and puppet traditions from all over the world including India, Vietnam, China, the Middle East and Europe. Even our Malaysian wayang kulit exhibits have found their way here. What is great about the museum is that it is a living museum. Not only does it have static exhibits but it is also a centre for reviving the various forms of Indonesian wayang and a venue for  performances. Just a glance at last month’s calendar of activities shows how active it has been in promoting Indonesian wayang kulit heritage, with weekly performances held on its premises. If you happen to drop in on a weekend, you will be able to enjoy the performances of Betawi wayang kulit (shadow play), Sunda wayang golek (wooden puppet show), wayang kulit Purwa and the wayang kulit Bali.

The Indonesians guard their wayang heritage jealously and have turned it into a massive commercial commodity with sales of souvenirs, performances, multimedia and literature. A decorative souvenir wayang kulit piece can be sold for thousands of ringgit and a professional dalang can earn a comfortable living through performing for tourists. Unfortunately, ours is a dying art, despite the  efforts of organisations like Pusaka.

Hopefully the authorities will realise there is a need to preserve and promote wayang kulit before it becomes an art form that only Indonesia can claim ownership of. For now, if you want to know more about the beauty of wayang kulit, visit the Wayang Museum in Fatahillah Square on weekends.
Wayang golek puppet from Java